ROAR Patches
If you earn it, you deserve it…
Bushcraft Survival Patch.
In order to receive the Bushcraft Survival Patch, participants must know the survival “rule of 3’s” and must be able to successfully build a natural shelter, a tarp shelter, start and maintain a fire, and tie essential knots needed in the outdoors.
Pathfinder Patch.
In order to receive the Pathfinder Patch, participants must be able to successfully read a map, use a compass, pace count, and trail blaze.
Warrior Patch.
In order to receive the Warrior Patch, participants must be able to successfully do a minimum of 20 pushups, 25 sit-ups, 30 squats, 15 burpees, and run a mile in under 9 minutes. Participants must also be able to successfully perform basic mixed martial arts skills. This includes: basic striking, takedowns, and ground control techniques.
Wilderness Medic Patch.
In order to receive the Wilderness Medic Patch, participants must know how to successfully stabilize an injured person, build a stretcher from scratch, and administer CPR.
Cowboy Patch.
In order to receive the Cowboy Patch, participants must successfully know how to lead, groom, tack, steer, and walk and trot on their horse. Participants must also be able to successfully lasso a bull’s head and a live goat (off horse).
Character Patch.
In order to receive the Character Patch, participants must have and display Christ-like character. This includes: courage, humility, respect, patience, integrity, teamwork, selflessness, discipline, responsibility, and maturity.
Leader Patch.
The Leader Patch is the final and most challenging patch to obtain in the ROAR program. In order to receive the Leader Patch, participants must first earn every other patch. Once participants earn every other patch, then they will have the skills and character needed to be a well rounded leader. This patch certifies participants in the ROAR program as LIONS.