Thank you for partnering with us.
Set up one time or recurring donations.
PLEASE NOTE: The platform we use to collect online payments automatically adds a donation amount to your bill. You DO NOT have to pay that amount. Simply click “other” and type in “0” in the Summary Order section before Payment Method.
Checks can be made out to “Glory Hill Farm” and mailed to:
2040 New Salem Rd. Monroe, NC 28110.
Venmo’s can be sent to @gloryhillfarm
Please consider partnering with us on one of our facility needs.
Our prayer has always been to make our programs open to any child or teen who God sends, regardless of financial resources. Since our opening in 2020, we have been committed to this mission by keeping our baseline rates as low as possible and by offering free of charge programs and sliding scales to children and teens who are struggling and need the precious bond with the animals and the community that Glory Hill Farm offers. The ONLY way we are able to continue to do this is through the generosity of our donors that bridge the financial gap.
Glory Hill Farm is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non profit. Our tax ID number is #85-3287880. If you have any questions or would like a copy of our designation letter, please email: